Feel free to reach out if you have any other questions.

Why should I have my solar panels cleaned? 

Regular cleaning ensures optimal performance from your solar panels. Dirt, grime, and other residues can reduce the efficiency of your panels by blocking sunlight. A clean panel captures more sunlight and therefore produces more energy, helping you maximize your solar investment. 

How often should I clean my solar panels? 

It's generally recommended to clean solar panels 2-3 times a year, depending on your location and environmental conditions. For instance, if your panels are in an area with higher levels of dust or bird activity, more frequent cleaning might be beneficial. 

Is rainwater enough to clean my solar panels? 

While rain might wash off loose dirt, it doesn't effectively clean the panels. In fact, rain can often leave behind mineral residues that can accumulate over time and decrease the efficiency of your panels. Professional cleaning removes these residues and ensures optimal performance. 

Will cleaning my panels improve their efficiency? 

Yes, cleaning can significantly boost panel efficiency. Panels free from dirt and grime can absorb sunlight more effectively, increasing your energy output and, in turn, potentially saving you money on your energy bills. 

Do you use any harsh chemicals that might damage my panels? 

No, we prioritize using environment-friendly cleaning solutions that are both safe for your panels and the planet. Our cleaning methods ensure no harm to your panels or the surrounding environment.