Optimized Panels, Maximum Savings



Solar Panels Cleaning

Hydro Solar Care is dedicated to rejuvenating your solar panels, ensuring they operate at peak efficiency. Trust us to transform your panels, making every sunray count. 

Standard Care

once when required

$3 per panel

Premium Care

twice a year, every six months

$2 per panel


At Hydro Solar Care, we offer expert solar panel cleaning and maintenance in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. Using eco-friendly solutions, our trained professionals maximize your panels' efficiency and longevity. We provide tailored care for residential and commercial clients, ensuring your solar investment reaches its full potential. Choose Hydro Solar Care for reliable, top-quality service that makes your solar panels shine. 


Anthony Martin

Allen, TX

Paul did an outstanding job cleaning my solar panels! He was prompt and professional and left my panels sparkling clean. I highly recommend him to anyone in Dallas Fort Worth!

Teja Ramaswamy

The Colony, TX

I've noticed a significant improvement in my panels' performance after the cleaning. He is thorough and ensures every panel shines bright. Highly recommend! 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is rainwater enough to clean my solar panels?

While rain might wash off loose dirt, it doesn't effectively clean the panels. Rain can often leave behind mineral residues that accumulate over time and decrease the efficiency of your panels. Professional cleaning removes these residues and ensures optimal performance. 

Why should I have my solar panels cleaned?

Regular cleaning ensures optimal performance from your solar panels. Dirt, grime, and other residues can reduce the efficiency of your panels by blocking sunlight. A clean panel captures more sunlight and produces more energy, helping you maximize your solar investment. 



Monday - Saturday : 8am - 6pm

Tuesday : Closed

📱 469-807-0240

📧 hydrosolarcare@gmail.com
